I Will Turn On Every Single Light In My House At 9 PM: Congress Party’s National Convener

You know you’re living in strange times when reality is funnier than the best memes on the internet.

After thousands of jokes on India’s liberals who reflexively oppose anything the Modi government does, the Congress party might have — inadvertently — come up with the best joke yet. “I will turn on every single light in my house today at 9 PM,” tweeted Congress Party’s National Convener of Social Media Saral Patel. He also earnestly added the hashtag “Hum_Light_Nahin_Bujhayenge,” presumably a play on the Hum Kagaz Nahin Dikhayenge line that was in vogue a few months ago.

Now as best as we can tell, this isn’t an attempt at humour, but a sincere call to urge citizens to turn on all the lights even as PM Modi had asked the country to turn off lights, and instead light lamps in a show of of solidarity against the coronavirus epidemic. But however ridiculous the appeal of the Congress National Convener sounds, he only appears to be following the lead of the party’s prince Rahul Gandhi, who too spends most of his time criticizing anything the Modi government does.

The people of India might be tired of the negativity, but the Congress appears to be persisting with its strategy of being diametrically opposed to the Modi government on every issue. And it’s clearly maintaining its stand, even as the country is facing its biggest crisis in decades.

We’d tried to make fun of this with this video 6 months ago. It hasn’t taken long for the Congress party to come up with something even more ludicrous that we could.

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