Indian Medical Association President Dr. Johnrose Jayalal Says He Wants To Convert Young Medical Students To Christianity, Sees IMA As Body To Spread Word Of Jesus Christ

In an atmosphere where there merest mention of Hinduism in public life is viewed with the greatest suspicion, people from other religions working in decidedly secular institutions can still continue to run their religious agendas with impunity.

Dr JA Jayalal, the President of the Indian Medical Association, has said that he wants to use his position to convert young medical students and doctors to Christianity. “I deeply desire to be a living witness to God and encourage young medical students and doctors to receive Jesus as their personal savior. I aim to be a witness for God in the secular organization I serve,” he said in an interview with Haggai International. Haggai International is an international body, with the stated aim of “redeeming and transforming” every nation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

More controversially, Dr JA Jayalal said that he sees the IMA as a body to spread the word of Jesus Christ. “Installed as president of the Indian Medical Association last December, Dr. Jayalal sees it all as a platform to share the love of Jesus Christ.” the article says.

Dr. JA Jayalal also said that the Covid crisis gave him the opportunity to spread the word of Christ through his secular institution. “The urgent need of the proclamation of the Gospel to people who are suffering from the virus has allowed us to share the Gospel even in secular institutions,” he said.

The Indian Medical Association was founded all the way back in 1928, and is a national voluntary organisation of Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine in India. Among its aims is to look after the interest of doctors and the well being of the community at large. But one wonders if it is appropriate for it to have a President who has the stated agenda of using its reach to spread Christianity. If the President of such a body had been a Hindu, and had said that his aim was to spread Hinduism among its non-Hindu members, there would be instant outrage, and the media would talk about it for weeks. But such is the beauty of secularism in India that a Christian can not only use a secular institution to spread his religion, but also openly brag about it in interviews.

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