‘Liberals’ Celebrate After Journalist Rohit Sardana Passes Away

India’s right wing likes to think that disagreements with political opponents are in good faith, and essentially intellectual arguments around the way the country should be run. The other side, though, has other ideas.

India’s liberals and Islamists have openly celebrated the death of journalist Rohit Sardana. Sardana passed away today following a heart attack while he was recovering from Covid. But some Indians could barely contain their glee at his untimely demise.

Newslaundry columnist Sharjeel Usmani called Sardana a sociopath as news of his death broke. “Sociopath, pathological liar and genocide enabler that he was, shall not be remembered as a journalist,” he wrote on Twitter.

The Print columnist Zainab Sikander called him ‘lapdog media’ and said he was paying for his karma.

Others called him a “right wing asshole”. Right wing asshole TV journalist Rohit Sardana passes away due to Covid 19,” wrote Twitter user @SilverAgeRobin.

Some Twitter users said they’d distribute sweets on the news of his passing.

There were so many people celebrating it was hard to even keep track. “Chapter closed of one hate monger,” wrote Twitter user Waseem. “Believe me I’m not sad even a bit after hearting this. No sympathy,” wrote another. “Rohit Sardana died hahahahahahaah rot in hell maddafakka,” said another

Others who weren’t tweeting were laughing at the news. Twitter users began noticing laugh reacts on Facebook on the news of his passing.

Whichever the news publication, there were hundreds of laugh reacts on the news of his death.

Someone even updated his Wikipedia page. “He died due to a heart attack on April 30, 2021 at 11:44 AM. He was suffering from Modism,” his updated Wikipedia bio said.

It’s only been a couple of hours since his passing, and the celebratory comments will likely keep streaming in. But even as these comments flow, ordinary Indians needs to wake up and smell the coffee around how some people feel about those who simply happen to love their nation.

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